My Haiti Orphanage Care Package
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My dollies might not be ready but ......... I went through my cupboards and put a care package together for Gods Littlest Angels Orphanage (caring for children from birth to 7 years of age) in Haiti. I’ve added some toothbrushes (you can get a set of 6 at the $ store!!!) and some diaper rash cream also … not a whole lot, but I think that every little helps…
If you would like to put a care package together also, here’s a list of the things they are in need of:
powdered formula,
baby cereal
infant and children’s vitamins
baby wipes,
infant Tylenol,
Baby care items (e.g. lotion, powder, baby shampoo)
clothing (for the towns people),
medical supplies,
hygiene items such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste,
They will be sending a shipping container to their Haiti orphanage as soon as it’s filled.
God's Littlest Angels
2085 Crystal River Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915