This Weeks Dollies! Wow you have been busy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four very happy boys waiting for their new friends! Amanda, USA, told me this was her first batch, I can’t wait to see the next!

Kimberley is shipping this beautiful box of girls off as we speak! I love the Spring colors she’s used, so pretty.

Pippa’s (UK) trying her hand at a new pattern, she’s made two sweet little softie boy dolls already, and look, they have soccer/football shirts on to boot! (Don’t forget we need more boys than girls this time!)

Meet Kathy, made by Amelia, USA, She’s already been shipped off to our collection place in the US! How exciting! “The doll is entirely recycled, made from things that I had in the cupboard”

Last Drive Dolls
Here are some photos I didn’t have time to share!

By Ms Pesky, Scotland (UK) made these two fun friends.  Don’t you just love their little feet and the wonderful bowtie!

Kylie, Australia, made these two adorable dolls!

Don't forget to e-mail me a photo of your finished doll, or add them to our flickr group!

Thanks Everyone, have a Wonderful Weekend ....
and.... Happy Sewing!


Cute & Quick Hand Stitched Doll Faces

I get a lot of questions about doll faces. So instead of painting them, why not try this easy embroidery pattern.  There is a fabulous Split Stitch Tutorial by Mary Corbet on her site, Needle n Thread that even a beginner can do with their eyes shut. The Tutorial can be found Here.

Download The Boy and Girl Face Pattern!

Don’t forget to split stitch the faces on before you sew the doll together!

Here’s a fab photo of the method by the wonderful Michelle, the owner of Modern Spool, from our last doll drive!

Thanks, and Happy Sewing!


Mother’s Providing for their Children: Scheilla’s Story.

18 year old Scheilla (pronounced Sheila) was found unconscious on the side of the road, five months pregnant, and with nowhere to go. I am very proud to say that Dolly Donations has, in some small way, helped her get back on her feet.

Do you remember I told you about Rita, the wonderful woman who contacted me last month before her trip to Haiti to see if I would be willing to allow Haitian woman to sell dolls made from my pattern?

Well of course I said yes! The whole point of creating the doll patterns was to help the children of Haiti, so if a mother needs money to buy food for her children, how wonderful that she make a doll for another child. Granted the small amount of money she can collect from this is not much in Haiti’s broken economy, but it helps.

Rita has returned with the very good news that she has taught Scheilla, now recovered and safely being looked after at Hope Village, to make dolls. And here is her fist doll!

Well done Scheilla, she is beautiful.

Father Marc is helping her sell the dolls she makes so that she can provide for her unborn child.

“She will have an income. Truly amazing. Thanks so much for what you are doing.
............ Work and a way to make a living gives the gift of dignity to one's life.” Rita Hunter.

I am so happy we could help in a small way ….. Right back to sewing I go!!


New Rounded Doll Leg Pattern & Free Doll Shoe Pattern!

Monday, May 17, 2010

To celebrate the new Dolly Donations Rounded Leg Free Doll Pattern a very generous and kind friend has designed a Free Boy and Girl Doll Shoe Pattern for all to try out!

They are adorable! And so much fun for older children!

If you don’t fancy adding the laces to the boy shoes, why not paint them on like Melinda,  Peppermint Grove did for her dollies from our last DD drive!

It’s easy, just cut out 4 shoe soles instead of two, and use one for the top and one for the bottom of the shoe…. Use a fabric pen, or a fine paintbrush with acrylic paint for your laces!

Have fun and Happy Sewing!

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