Our Sister Team in Brazil Are Hard at Work Making Dolls

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Sister Team in Brazil Are Hard at Work Making Dolls! So many lovely dollies made by so many wonderful crafty women and all to give to a little one in need.  Just looking at these photos made my hearts light up!  Everyone making them looks so happy and all that joy has carried through into their beautiful creations ♥ to find out more about this active doll drive & how you can help please go HERE

A picture says a thousand words .......

Congratulations ladies!  Your dolls and your happiness are beautiful to see! 

Do you have some friends who sew? Why not follow these lovely ladies example and have a dolly making party!  See how many dollies you can make :)  

Please send me your photos!  Happy Sewing Everyone!!


Why Send a Doll to Brazil?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm getting a lot of e-mails asking about the "organisation" we are working with in Brazil.  There is no organization, everything is in such turmoil regarding the eviction of over 6000 people.  

"...Helena Silvestre, Urban Resistance Front, said .....  helicopters, gas pumps moral effect, bullets and pepper spray, plus a lot of violence are being used for the withdrawal of the inhabitants ... more than 800 people are in a local Church, not knowing where to go and what to do. "These families have lost all their belongings. There are many rumors of people injured and killed, but the only official information regarding loss of life is that of a child of three years. Leaders have difficulty in obtaining information because the shock troops have closed all entrances and exits of the camp. No one has certain knowledge of what happens there, "as reported by Helena." Source (translation via Google Chrome)

Andrea and 50 of her friends and neighbors (see above photo of a group of them hard at working making their first batch of dollies)  who all live in Brazil have set up a Doll Drive to try and help the traumatized children of these family's.

Andrea and her friends are like you and me, mothers, sisters, creative women with big hearts trying to comfort these frightened children ....... a doll might not seem important to others but to a child it is their best friend, their confidant, someone who they can tell all their fears and secrets to and snuggle with at night.  Something that is theirs, to love and hold and give them a sense of security when the world around them is falling apart.



ACTIVE Doll Drive for The Children of Brazil

Monday, February 6, 2012

Please join Dolly Donations in helping the Children of Brazil through the trauma of being forcefully evicted from their homes and left with nothing.   We will be working along side Andrea and her team of Brazilian crafters.

For more information on what is happening Brazil please check out my previous post here.

Start Date:

How many Dolls:
200 dolls (girl & boys) or more please!  

(I've got my fingers crossed for more as there are at
least 1000 children under 10yrs that Andrea's group
has located in bad makeshift shelters on the street)

Skin Tone:
Any skin tone: dark brown, Light brown, pink, cream, etc

Please Send To:  
Ani Maruchi 
Barata Ribeiro Street n°372 apt>33; 
Bela Vista district; 
São Paulo- SP.

Please help spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors anyone who might sew, crochet or knit (i have a ton of free patterns on the site).

Good luck and Thank you everyone!


NEW Dolly Donations Drive: Please Help The Children of Brazil!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Have you seen the horror that is going on in Brazil?  It is terrible, families forced out of their homes by the Police, no warning .....   6000 people left homeless, 2000 children displaced ....

"They didn't even let us breathe," one weeping woman told Globo TV as she fled the area carrying a young girl. "They have thrown our whole lives away."

"The operation to clear the Pinheirinho shanty town in São José dos Campos .... 50 miles from São Paulo, began at around 6am .....without warning, black-clad troops swept into the area carrying metal shields and pump-action shotguns. ...... Television pictures showed terrified mothers fleeing the slum clutching their babies."  The Guardian (UK News Paper)

I am heartbroken to read the reports .... but thankful as the wonderful Andréa in Brazil has contacted me and we are organizing a Doll Drive to help the children.

"so many children .. are dealing with a tough, very difficult moment in their lives; for their parents have been expelled from their homes on an unjust and very violent process , in one word traumatic, here in Brasil. Right now they are all poorly sheltered and much are very little, almost babies, hence the idea of comfort from a doll" Andréa

So please let everyone know a 
New Doll Drive will be up tomorrow!!

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