Your Dolls: More for Renew Hope for Haiti!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rachael has made these 6 lovely little dolls for the Renew Hope Haiti Doll Drive.

"(The dolls) are going together quickly, so I'm not quite sure what my goal is yet. It was initially 3, so we'll see!! Super glad I happened across your website, this is something I had always wanted to do and had no idea how to go about it! Thank you for making this so easy and possible."

The children will be so happy Rachael, they are simply adorable with their red rosy cheeks ... and what is this I spy, each of them have a cute little necklace on, how original! 

Artist Emily (USA) was very moved by Dolly Donations and has been wonderful in spreading the word via e-mails to friends and family on Facebook and through her adorable etsy shop.  Thanks so much the children will really appreciate it!

I love to sew gifts for my friends children …. and when I came across your site I was very excited to be able to spread the love a little further!”

Thanks for the face painting tutorial! I was scared at first but with your help they came out great!”

They really are wonderful, I especially love the fabric you chose for their skin, how cool! Two very lucky kiddies in Haiti will get to cuddle them soon!

Thanks so much to both of you lovely ladies for sharing you dollies with us!

If you have a doll for any of our drives, please send me photos so that i can pop you on the blog

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Sewing,



New Active Doll Drive: Softies for Christchurch, New Zealand’s Earth Quake Victims

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“Lets join our hands and our hearts and make a special softie (handmade soft toy) to be loved by a child who has been affected by the devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.”

Leonie from Kiwi at Heart is collecting softies and dolls for the children devastated by the recent earthquake in New Zealand.

She’s looking for sewn, knitted, crocheted toys for babies, toddlers, and children of any age.

If you’re interested in helping please pop over to her blog and leave a comment under her post with your e-mail. She’ll contact you with an address to send them to ASAP!

Find more information about this doll drive HERE

“The confirmed death toll from yesterday's devastating magnitude 6.3 quake stands at 75, with 300 reported missing…… But police expect the death toll to climb.”

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of New Zealand.

To find updates please visit


Your Doll Drives: Dolls for Haiti

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pattie, sent me a photo of these lovely little cuie pies! All of the dolls she’s making are going to be sent off to The Renew Hope for Haiti Dolly Donations Drive.

3 dolls finished and few more in the works, well done Pattie, they are too cute and I love the matching crochet hair flowers!

Keep sending in your photos and drive updates!
Take care everyone & Happy Sewing!

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