This Weeks Dollies! Dolly Photos Galore!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

 I love it when everyone starts sending in their finished doll photos to me, they are so much fun! Thank you!

Sarah made this lovely little chap, "I just finished my doll and will be shipping it soon!" His hand embroidered face is just wonderful!

Eve  “Here is the finished Dolly Family! I do hope the children would enjoy them and know that they were created with them in mind and heart.I really had a wonderful time making them and plan on making more."

The numbers on the back for the boy’s football shirts are perfect Eve…. And don’t get me started on the little boys jeans!!! Adorable!

Valerie   “I made two dolls yesterday and have seven more cut out. The dolls are easy to make” 
  I am so glad you having fun making them, they look so sweet with their matching shoes and coordinating froggy and lily pad tops! Very creative! Wouldn’t it be adorable if a brother and sister end up with them!!

Amy went all out and used our advanced dolly sewing pattern along with the fabulous new superhero outfit from craft gossip for the little boy! I love your use of different fabrics and trim, they are both simply adorable!

Well done everyone!  And for all the dollies being made as i type
 ... don't forget to send your photos into me to be featured on the blog!

Take care and Happy Sewing!!


Newsletter July: Blogs to Love!

Free Patterns From Sue!!

Sue from Miracles Happen contacted me a while back and offered to share with me some beautiful patterns for us all to use here at Dolly Donations. They are wonderful and great additions to our growing collection!  Sue uses them to model items for her charitable free patterns on her website Miracles Happen for a newborn baby's early needs.  Please drop by and check out all the wonderful things she and her friends have been making for babies in need.

Here are a few of the fabulous crochet ones I posted recently!

Thanks Sue, you’re a Star!

...And Another Blog to Love!

I stumbled across this fabulous blog, The Toy Society. I am sure some of you have already heard of it, but I was in the dark, and I just LOVE what they are doing!

“The Toy Society spreads love throughout the streets of the world. Nothing to it really just a bunch of handmade toys looking for a nice home.”

That’s it … people from around the world make toys and ‘drop’ them off in places where children will find them. What a lovely idea! Spreading a little love to kiddie winks you’ll never meet ….. ♥

The blog is wonderful, filled with’ drop off’ photos/stories and then some ‘found’ stories as well! Why not check it out!

.... oh and Everyone likes Free Tutorials!

Totally Tutorials Blog

My Dolly Donations Tutorial was featured on the fabulous blog, Totally Tutorials! Horay!
I love the blog, it's filled with great free tutes & ideas from very crafty clever people all over the web.

Rhythm of the Home's Free Waldorf Inspired Doll!

A lovely Blog, Rhythm of the Home, filled with fun crafty tutes with the the themes of Warmth, Celebration, Play, and Connection, has come out with a very easy Free Waldorf Dolly. She has such sweet accessories too! A doll bonnet and dress.

Have you joined in the Party?  - Blog Link Parties!

Thank you to everyone who has been sharing your finished dolls in Link Parties around the web!
It really helps spread the word!

Another Blog Award for Dolly Donations!

Dolly Donations has been given the Sunshine Award from Agnes at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!
Horay! Thanks so much! I am very chuffed!

I hope everyone had a fantastic month!
Take care and Happy Sewing!


Free Dolly Donations Doll Dress Pattern from Craft Gossip

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anne Weaver over at Craft Gossip has done it again!  She's come up with a wonderful Free Removable Doll Dress Pattern !

It’s designed to fit our Advance Dolly Donations Pattern, but if you’re a beginner don’t worry …. I’ll be posting a removable dress for a Easy Dolly Donations Doll Pattern later this week!

Thanks Anne, she looks adorable!


Free Beautiful Beginners Crochet Pattern: Pioneer Becky Doll

Monday, July 26, 2010

Thank you to Sue from Miracles Happen for passing along this oh so sweet little Free Crochet Doll Pattern!

Becky Stands 17 inches tall, and is designed for a beginner to try. She’s soft and cuddly and will be well loved! Her dress is delightful!

If you know of any other free online Dolly patterns or have one you’d like to share with Dolly Donations, please let me know!!

Thanks and Happy Crocheting!

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