Missed the Deadline? Don’t Worry, New Doll Drive Date to be Announced ASAP!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Please don’t worry if you have missed the deadline!  Save those lovely dollies, give them a kiss and tell them they will be on their way soon!  And add your name & dolly count in the comments!

I plan to post our next doll drive by the end of April.

We already have 8 wonderful dolls to send to the next orphanage! How fantastic!

Kelly (USA) 4 dolls
Randi (USA) 3 dolls
Amelia (USA) 1 doll


Update: As of March 26, 441 dolls are in NY (and my box of 85 haven’t arrived yet!) That’s an amazing 526 for certain! Please click here for the updated list!

“Coincidentally the orphanage’s (4 year) anniversary is on April 3rd. I am delighted that there will be dolls to hand out to all the orphans and other children in the area who do not have dolls. Thank you everyone.” Stephanie Victor, President of The Abundant Ground Foundation.


Congratulations Everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

With over 400 dolls in New York, I am happy to announce that we have Officially Completed The Abundant Ground Orphanage Doll Drive!

I would like to thank each and every one of you for sharing your talent, love and compassion with the children of the Abundant Ground Orphanage in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti, through the beautiful dolls you have made.

Over the next few weeks I will be updating you with any news I hear regarding their delivery to the orphanage.


Don’t worry if you have dolls half made, or have missed the deadline. I will be posting details of a New Doll Drive shortly along with a new fun free doll pattern!!! So watch this space!


Thank you all for joining me on this journey, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and support.

I am looking forward to our next mission of ……
 Sending Love, 1 Dolly at a Time!

Take care & Happy Sewing!


This Weeks Dollies! Wow we have done well!!

Cheyenne and her kiddie winks (USA) made these adorable dollies "There are so many children there who have lost everything, including their families. We wanted to let them know that somebody loves them!"

Allison (USA) loved making her dollies and don’t they look adorable! “I only had time to make 2, but it makes me feel really good that they are going to children who have nothing else and will truly love them and appreciate them.”

Ira’n (USA) made these little darlings!  I love the flowers in the hair, so cute!

Laurel (USA) just sent me the photo of these beauties! “My daughter Amber did all of the face painting on our dolls and my daughter Aubrey did a little of the sewing.” Well done girls, you did a fab job!

Lisa (USA) loved the Dolly Donations Free Doll Pattern and made 14 dollies! "They were so fun to make & and I'm sure all the dolls that have been sent from everyone that has participated will be loved for many years to come. What a warm feeling!  ..... They were so fun to make & and I'm sure all the dolls that have been sent from everyone that has participated will be loved for many years to come. What a warm feeling!"

And finally I’d like to share these beautiful crochet dolls from Beansieleigh (USA). "I hope they bring a smile, some comfort, and and a little security to the children who receive them"  They all are so adorable, I know they will make their new friends very happy indeed!

Thank You to Everyone, I couldn't do this without you all!


The Abundant Ground Thanks Us All!

The Abundant Ground Foundation has written a lovely Thanks You article to us all on their website and published a list of everyone whose dolls they have received thus far.

"(The children have) …. never had a real Christmas. No one has ever thrown them a birthday party. They have no pictures of blowing out candles. They have had no special Easter presents or been to a popular concert, circus or carnival.

The Abundant Ground is exceedingly grateful for every online supporter of Dolly Donations who took the time, money, labor and materials to create these dolls. Your response has been wonderful. Every delivery that comes with the dolls, makes us happy and excited at what they're reaction is going to be. Your desire to help and be moved by their situation, are insufficient for words. We Thank You for being involved, for being moved, for wanting to create something special for children who've never known anything but lack.”

Read the full article here!


310 Beautiful Dolls are in New York!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thank you! Many of you haven’t contacted me until now, and it is a pleasure to hear all of your stories of hope for the children of Haiti. 310 dolls are in New York, (not including mine yet) … What an achievement!! I know firsthand how long it takes to make a doll and how much love goes into each and every one!

Congratulations to you all!


School Children Making Dolls for Haiti Orphans!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beth (USA) a Teen Living teacher at Eagle Ridge Middle School, Ashburn, VA encouraged her 8th graders to each make a doll using Dolly Donations easy pattern to send to the children of Haiti.

They made 16 beautiful dolls, each with their own personality! What a fantastic job they did!

Stefanie (USA) a parent of a young seamstress in the making, wanted to share these photos of the 10 dolls made by students at The Emerson School, Portland, OR. What a brilliant array of colors they used, and don’t they look happy to be going on their long journey!

My goodness we have some very talented kids out there!

I just got word that 49 Dolls have been sent in by the students of  Cibola High School, Yuma, Arizona!

Well done to all the schools, scout troupes and home school networks that have taken part in this Dolly Drive, you have all done an outstanding job!


Not Dolls but Bears! So Glad We Could Help!

When I first came up with the idea to make dolls for Haiti orphans the one thing I didn’t count on was how difficult it was to find an organization to send the dolls safely to Haiti and be able to give those dolls directly to those that needed them the most, the children of Haiti.

So when I was contacted by Suzi (USA) who has been making bears with the intention of sending them to Haiti, I knew we had to help! And of course the wonderful people at The Abundant Ground Foundation agreed too. So along with our shipment of dolls we will also be sending these cuddly bears made out of polar fleece.

“The idea to make the bears came while I was watching the news reports about the earthquake in Haiti. I thought about all those children who had lost everything, including their families, and had nothing of their own to hold on to. I remembered a request for teddy bears from the California Highway Patrol…. to give to children at accident scenes.

I looked for a simple pattern online and found Antonette Cely's "Bear Hugs" pattern and decided to go with that. When I showed the bears to the ladies of Gals and Dolls doll club, they wanted to play, too.

I heard that there are at least 250,000 orphans, so that is a lot of dolls and bears. It is possible for every Haitian orphan to get some gift of love if we invite our friends and family to join in. ”Suzi (USA)

Thanks to Suzi and the Ladies of the Gals and Dolls doll club!

Happy Sewing!


It's Time To Post Those Dollies!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I’m all done! Crazy to think that 85 dolls and 2 wall hangings are in that box!!!! It’s amazing what one can do with a garbage bag and an vacuum cleaner, yup, homemade ‘Space Bags’ :) …. Oowww I hope it doesn’t pop open in transit!!!

Remember, the dolls LEAVE New York on the 31st MARCH for Haiti, so don’t wait too long ….. unless you intent to overnight them!!!!!

Please send your Dollies to:

The Abundant Ground Foundation
96 East Raymond Avenue
Roosevelt, New York 11575 

Happy Sewing … And Shipping!

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