Free Knitted Doll, Dress & Boy Shorts Pattern!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Knitted doll patterns are hard to come by ……. But I found this little cutie yesterday!

The instructions are simple, with a body (arms, legs, and torso) all made out of tubes. There’s even a beginners version! And guess what, there’s a pattern for the knickers (which can easily be elongated to make shorts or trousers!) and a dress!
If you know of any other free online Dolly patterns or have one you’d like to share with Dolly Donations, please let me know!!

Thanks, and Happy Knitting!


Toy Review and Perhaps a Giveaway or Two?!

So anyone guess what I will be reviewing?

No it’s not your kids bedroom lighting,  although this toadstool lamp is cute! Or how about something from the toy department, a dolly car? Nope ….. although she’s sweet!  Or perhaps it’s an eco friendly mini town …… I wish! How super fun is that!!! Don’t you just love the solar panels! ....... Or a perhaps a dolly ballerina puppet? Ahhh this one takes me back to my childhood …. Nope, but you’re getting warmer!

It should arrive next week, and I’m excited!!

On another note, would anyone be interested in a giveaway? I'm thinking of hosting a competition!? 1st place and 2nd place prizes!!!! And both will be handmade, one-of-a-kind prezzies from me ….. ooowwww exciting!!! What do you all think? I need feedback!!


June (Part 1) Newsletter

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank you to Sian for her beautiful dolly photo!

Wow, I have so much to tell you already and we’re only half way through the month!

First of all, thank you to everyone who has already sent their dollies in! Wow how speedy are you!  I received this lovely message from Dee at Free The Kids and wanted to share it with you all,

“I'm receiving the most beautiful Dollies! Thank you so much, the children will love them!”

How fantastic! We don’t have a count yet as they are be collected at the local church, but as soon as they start piling up Dee has promised to get a count out to us. And remember, any extra dollies will find very loving homes with the local children who have nothing to call their own.

Look at Sian’s dolly’s shoes! She used our Dolly Donations free pattern and took it a step further with those adorable punches as shoe lace holes! So cute, so clever!

Tax Receipt Form

Ok just looking at my e-mail box & I realize I have managed to confuse a lot of people! Sorry! I keep getting questions about what is a tax receipt form  …. Well it is a simple form you can print out and fill in if you wish as your dolly is tax deductible (it’s considered a charitable donation) in the US. I have no idea about taxes related to other countries, sorry! At the end of the day you don’t have to have one when you send the dolls in, promise!
And here it is  Link to PDF tax receipt.

Connecting Crafty Women From Around the World!

I’ve always thought word of mouth was a powerful thing, a good recommendation goes a long way. But I am blown away by how far the internet reaches. I have been lucky to meet (in a virtual reality kinda of way) a lot of very craft compassionate women from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Gibraltar, UK and Germany. And now I am very happy to say that Keren has found us and sent in 2 beautiful dollies. She lives in Israel. Wow, the internet it truly amazing! Thank you Keren, they are fabulous!

Free Crochet Doll Pattern!

Thank you to Sharon who wrote to tell me about this free adorable 7inch crochet doll   and how easily the ‘dress pattern can be changed to pants after the 2nd row.’ She has been making them to send to troops to give to children they meet overseas.

They are quick and easy to make, and small enough to squich a handful of them into a pocket when you're traveling …. But boy do they produce a big smile on a kiddy-winks face!

In The Press!

Yes it’s true! Dolly Donations had an interview by the ever so Green Website, My Zero Waste! We just love to recycle out scrap fabric into something loveable and cuddly ;) You can read the entire interview here :)

Children's Toy Review

I’m excited to tell you that I have been asked to do a product review by CSN Stores. As Dolly Donations is all about handmade dolls for children in need, what better product to review, than something doll related! It’s handmade here in the US…..  made of wood … I wonder if you’ll be able to guess what it is?

Love That Button Award!

Want to know more about how I made my Dolly Donations button and why? Well head over to 12 Crafts Before Christmas as the lovely Elizabeth just gave me a ‘Love that Button Award!’

“I like her button because it's message and purpose is clear. Then after I heard the story behind how the button came to be, I liked it even more. Amazing . . . read on to find out more.”

Thanks so much Elizabeth!

I have always dreamed of being able to do dolly drives for other orphanages around the world …… South America, China, Africa and India spring to mind …..

I’ll leave you with a preview of my button for when I find an orphanage in India to work with …. Cute no?!

Have a Wonderful Weekend & Happy Sewing!


Your Dolly Drive: Dolls for Burmese Refugee Orphans in Thailand

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When Joy’s 4 year old daughter wanted to know if the Burmese Orphan that her family sponsor’s had toys for Christmas Joy tried to find out. Her cousin and his wife run a charity supporting a very small orphanage in Thailand: The Charis Project .

The Charis Project x-mas 2009 (Source )

The answer came back, they were very grateful to be able to finally by beds for the children this Christmas, they had new shoes and warm clothes but no, the children did not have toys ……. and that was it, Joy had a goal!

She rustled up the support of some lovely sewing friends and they made 40 dolls using the Dolly Donations free pattern, to send to each orphan.

They are all so lovely!   And I am happy to say they have arrived safely in Thailand!

Well done Joy and your beautiful daughter for completing your very own Dolly Drive!
I know each one will be well loved.

There’s always a story behind an orphanage...........

Children's Home Coop:  Build an Orphanage that will Model Self Sustainability and Intercept and Protect Refugee kids as they cross the border.

The Charis Project

Aaron and Carrien Blue have moved there 3 small children to Thailand to get the Charis Project up and running. They are an everyday family on a mission to help others in need and belive, “ that evil can be overcome if people who trust in good will work to oppose it.”

What’s going on in Burma?

“For almost 60 years now the government in Burma has been actively seeking to annihilate the minority ethnic groups within it's borders.”

“Over the years many of these groups have migrated to Thailand to escape the persecution.”

“Still more are children, orphaned and alone, who have escaped to Thailand and now face deportation or slavery in a brothel.”

What is the solution?

The Charis Project is not only providing a safe haven for the children in Thialand, but is also providing training and tools to the refugee adult workers so that they will be able to care sufficiently for their community and children when they can one day return to Burma, and rebuild their shattered lives.

Please check out their website and blog and help spread the word about these beautiful children!

Again, well done Joy and thanks so much for Sharing your Doll Drive with us!

If you have started your own Dolly Donations Drive for an orphanage close to your heart please let me know so that I can help spread the word!

Take care and Happy Sewing!


Free Cute 13inch Crochet Doll Pattern!

Free Crochet Doll Pattern

The wonderful Rosina sent me this link to the cute 13 inch free droll PDF form Lily yarns news letter.

With a change of skin tone, and possibly the dress color too ;) she would be fantastic for our drive. Of course remove the dress and change the color of your yarn at the neck, waist and feet and you have boy doll in a top with trousers!

I was so impressed by the pattern I signed up for a free membership and look at the second free doll pattern I found on their site! She too is 13 inches tall so the perfect size for little hands to love!

So cute!  Thanks Rosina!

If you know of any other free online Dolly patterns or have one you’d like to share with Dolly Donations, please let me know!!

Thanks and Happy Crocheting!

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