Dolly Donations News

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

As of 2016 I'm no longer hosting Doll Drives 
- but please feel free to use my free doll pattern for your own drive!

♥  Find all of my New Doll Patterns at


How do I start your own Dolly Donations Drive?
  • First off, talk to your friends. You never know what connections are out there until you ask.
  • Contact your local church group or organization that might be supporting children in need abroad.
  • Know of an orphanage, woman's shelter, hospital, why not contact them?
  • Are you or do you know somebody who is adopting a little one from overseas? Why not see if you can send some dollies along with them on their next trip?
  • Why not drop some dolls off at a homeless, or battered women’s shelter?
  • See if dolls would be a good gift to give to missionaries traveling overseas to distribute.
  • Are your relatives in the armed forces? Some of the smaller patterns are ideal to give to them to hand out to local children to build trust and friendship in areas devastated by war and hardship.
  • GAP Year Students, Traveling Doctors, Aid Workers, Missionaries …. If you know someone traveling overseas with a big heart and a bit of spare room in their luggage for a vacuumed pack group of dollies (they spring back to life once released from their plastic confines!), why not ask for their help? 
The sky’s the limit! Go on give it a shot, you’ll be amazed how easy it is, how many wonderful people you meet along the way and remember for every doll made you’ll be making one child very happy!

- these are the perfect size for Operation Christmas Child Boxes! 

Dolly Donations: Sending Love, 1 Dolly at a Time! 

 Hugs and Happy Sewing Everyone!
Sarah xxx

Uthando Project Doll Drive Going Strong!

Monday, March 23, 2015

WOW! It was so lovely to here from the Uthando Project this morning! Last year they took on another lovely dolly maker to there sewing group and guess what .. they used my free mini dolly pattern and made 1400 dolls!!!!

Simply wonderful! Thank you ladies for sharing this fab photo with me and making my day!

And of course thank you for sharing your love for dolls with children in need!

Hugs and Happy Sewing,

Sarah xxxx

Haiti Doll Drive Update

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Monica sent me a fab photo update - 15 Super Cute dolls from Nancy in Washington! Aren't they all so bright and beautiful! Don't forget we have an ongoing Dolly Drive for Haiti!  Find out more Here!

It's so so wonderful that we are able to help bring comfort to little ones through our crafts. Haiti is very close to my heart as it is how and why I started Dolly Donations back in 2010 just after the Earth quake hit and destroyed so many lives ....

Basket of dollies!

We collected 584 dolls for The Abundant Ground Orphanages in Haiti .... wow .. yup that's me with a couple of my 77 dolls I sent in ...... it was such an amazing experience I met so many beautiful sewing ladies from all over the world and we have stayed friends through my fun Dolly making group, newsletters and Dolls And Daydreams pattern blog.  My, how time flies ....

I was lucky enough to have a few photos snapped in Haiti and you can see the fabulous 2010 dolly distribution here :)  .. such sweet joyous faces!

There are still hundreds of orphanages in Haiti and the Medical Mission Trips to Anse Rouge, Haiti help distribute the dolls to them and children in need so please consider whipping up a couple for our 2015 Dolly Drive for Haiti! 

Chemo Dolls - Get Well Little Bentley!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Get well soon little Bentley!  Hugs and kisses from us all! ♡   #cutiesforacure doll made by the lovely Fran for Bentley who is in the car being taken for treatment for #cancer - We love you! Xxx

The lovely Fran (USA) handmade one of my Cuties For a Cure Chemo Dolls for little Bentley. Here he is on the way to for cancer treatment, loving and kisses his new best bud!

My family & I would like to wish him lots of LOVE and to Get Well Soon!!! 
Big Hugs and Kisses coming your way from Arizona Bentley! xxxx

Fran's amazing Cuties for a cure chemo dolls

Fran has been very busy making dolls to give to local children's cancer wards & hospitals.  They are simply beautiful! Each with their own removable wig, headband, scarf or hat.

Fran's amazing Cuties for a Cure Dolls

She also sends them to cancer wards and individual children she knows who are battling this awful disease.  I am loving the fun bright and sunny fabrics she picked!

Fran's amazing Cuties for a Cure Dolls

Thank you so much for sharing your creations with us and for having such a big heart Fran! We think you are a Dolly Donating Angel!

If you would like to make a Cutie For A Cure Dress Up Dolly pop over here for the sewing pattern  ($2 of your purchases will be donated to Cancer Research).

 Happy Sewing from Sarah

800 dolls sent to Haiti!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Wow!  If you have been following the Haiti doll drive updates this week you will be over the moon to hear that a whopping 800 dolls were sent in and shipped this April to 5 different schools in Haiti thanks to Monica and Holy Family Cluster.

"We have 689 students & ended up just over 800 dolls!!" Monica 

All extra dolls were distributed to children in the area!  Hooray!

Simply put - this is utterly fantastic!

I know I am thrilled and grateful to hear and see all of the up dates from the lovely and kindhearted Monica (seen above) and so so happy to know that each child has their very own doll.

If you want to send some dolls to Haiti you can find out all the details here!

Hugs and Happy Sewing!

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