Donated Dolls for Abused Children in Oregon and for Victims of the Joplin Tornado.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I love to hear your stories and find out where your donating dollies go, so when Philla of Douglas County, Oregon USA contacted me to tell me about the wonderful work she has been doing for the children in her comunity I was overjoyed.

After finding Dolly Donations, Philla and her ‘sewing buddy’ found a group in her county that takes in the abused children.

“The police bring them to the house and medical teams & psychiatrist check them and they stay until the courts decide where they should go. We decided to make children quilts, back packs( filled with activity books, crayons, toothbrush & paste, small game) and your dolls for them. The Lieutenant from the police force said he would like a couple in all cars so when a stop is made and parents arrested the children in the car could be comforted.”

Handmade Quilts, Dolls and Backpacks!
 So far they have donated an amazing total of 35 quilts, 86 dolls, and 30 backpacks. Now that’s a lot of sewing and a lot of love!

But it doesn’t stop there ………….

When one of the ladies in her quilt group son’s family were hit by the tornado in Joplin they decided to send a king size quilt, 12 children quilts and 25 dolls to Joplin.

Here is one of the many e-mails she received.:

"I must tell you those little dolls were such a big hit with everyone. …..

….. Jennifer told us that her little girl was upset cuz she had no dolly's or stuff animals. Those ladies at the drop off center said the same thing, that their little girls have no dolls to play with. They couldn't wait to get home and give them to their daughters. Just wished you ladies could of hear how happy they all were with the dolls and quilts and the number of THANK YOU's. You ladies should of gotten the hugs not me, however I did enjoy the tears down my face this time."

How wonderful is Philla and her sewing friends?!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us, we think you are all amazing!

Take care and Happy Sewing Everyone!


134 Dolls for Orphans in Haiti

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The amazing and wonderful Jen (you must remember her from all her fabulous donations in the past) went off to Haiti with this amazing gift in their suitcases! 134 dolls for all of the children housed in the Maison Des Enfants De Dieu (translates into House of God's Children) orphanage where her adoptive son is currently being cared for. She also has a few extra to take around to the local hospital and a school and other orphanage in Cite Soleil.

Jen made all of these dollies herself!

We think you are amazing Jen and can’t wait to hear
 all about your trip and how your little boy is doing!


Halloween Sewing Patterns All Finished – Let's Make Spooky Cute Dolls & Softies!

Monday, August 29, 2011

I had a ton of fun coming up with my cute skeleton and witch patterns.  ‘But Halloween isn’t for another 2 months!!’ I hear you cry …

................ I know I know, I got a bit excited as I love dressing up with my kiddies hahahahaha

You can find my Witch Doll & Skeleton Softie Sewing Patterns
 in my Etsy Shop ♥

 Happy Sewing from Sarah

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