Handmade Book For Haiti Orphans Drive: Completed!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Carrie (USA) has teamed up with The Abundant Ground to make beautiful handmade books titled “Our Hopes, Our Dreams, Our Future in Haiti.” for the children in their Croix des Bouquets orphanage in Haiti. The book is delightful and totally illustrated by the very talented Carrie and then sewn together by her friend.

“The books (illustrations and text) for Haiti are complete and ready for print! We already had one sewing group meet last week to assemble books! The project is going along great.” Carrie K


Their goal is to print and assemble 50 books for the children
of the Croix des Bouquets orphanage in Haiti.

So far they have made 19 books.......

She’s looking for people to help.
If you’re interested in printing and assembling a book for an orphan in Haiti
pop on over to her blog. She has full instructions and the downloadable PDF book.

I’m honored to have some of my Dolly Donations Dollies and my quilt that I donated to the same orphanage in Haiti last year featured in the book. Thanks Carrie!  And if you do make one, look there's a spot for you to write your name in it, how fun! 

What a clever idea! Good Luck Carrie!!!


Free Fun Easy 13inch Crochet Boy Doll Pattern!

We all know how hard Boy Doll Patterns are to find, so that's why when I saw this little chap over on the Lily Yarns website, I had to share him with you all!  He's13 inches and make a lovely friend for a boy (I'd leave out the flowers and bow tie but thats just me hahaha)

If you know of any other free online Dolly patterns or have one you’d like to share with Dolly Donations, please let me know!!

Thanks and Happy Crocheting!

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