Orphaned Children with Aids in Africa get some Dollies.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lynn (Ontario, Canada) wanted to start the New Year by giving something back. An avid knitter she found a wonderful family run organization Knit-a-square or KAScare which asks for you to knit or crochet a square to make blankets out of for orphaned children with aids in South Africa.

“It is estimated that there are 500 new orphans a DAY in S.Africa, can you imagine?”

So to send along with her package of squares, hats and scarves she made two dollies for two lucky children to snuggle up next to in the cold nights.

‘These children really need something to cuddle and maybe they can even talk to them and tell their troubles to them.’

They really are beautiful Lynn


New Baby Product Review: A Sound Machine and a Hook on High Chair

As you all know by now, number two will be with us soon. So I decided to be a bit more practical in my product review choices this time, and review the HOMEDICS - Sound Spa Portable and the Chicco - Caddy Red Hook-On High Chair.

We were lucky enough to try out my sisters-in-laws Chicco Hook-On High Chair and couldn’t get over how much of a space saver it was. So we put that on the 'must get' list for no.2.  As you can see my little girl loves it!! She of course will be in a booster seat by the time the little man needs it, but it will be fabulous to have all 4 of us around the table at once. It’s sturdy, washable and can fold up flat for traveling. It also has a 3-point harness for the wiggly ones in the family with a weight limit of up to 37lb (6 – 36 months). 

We have had the HOMEDICS - Sound Spa since day one in the nursery. The waterfall setting or rain setting are the best in my book. Baby will be asleep before you know it … and possibly Mummy and Daddy too! Our little girl still loves hers, and uses it for her naps to drown out our 3 little doggies and at night, so we knew we needed another one. It has a timer, 10, 15, 20 or all night, and can be plugged into the wall or battery operated. I know our little chap will love his as much as his sister!

I am so glad i was able to find them at CSN stores, but really i shouldn't be surprised, they seem to have everything!

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