Easy Boy Doll Pattern

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

At the top of my 2011 To Do List was to finish my Easy Boy Doll Sewing Pattern, and I am so pleased with the results. He’s cute, he’s easy and with different fabrics and colors he’ll have a load of guy friends to hang out with in no time at all!

This sewing pattern makes a quick and easy child friendly cloth rag doll that is 19” (48.5 cm) tall from cotton and felt fabrics.

The pattern comes with a 10 page detailed photo tutorial perfect for beginners and you can sell your dolls made from this pattern too! Hooray!

Sew ……. Let’s Get Sewing Together!

To read more about this pattern
please visit him in my Etsy Shop ♥

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Holiday and a very Happy New Year!


Your Doll Drives: 120 Dolls make for a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jude and Lisa Paul from Renew Hope Haiti have collected 120 dolls for their Dolly Donations Doll Drive they set up and all the dolls were sent over to Haiti for Christmas. Hooray!!

“(They) will be going to one of two places.(The) Spirit of Truth Ophanage in Ferrier Haiti - which currently has 35 girls there … and a remote area of Fonds Parisien Haiti near the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. … so remote, they currently have no electricity or water. They are currently not getting support from NGO's so this part of the doll drive is especially near and dear to our hearts.”

Congratulations from all of us in the Dolly Donations community!

What a wonderful gift you were able to give the children this Christmas.

Take Care and Happy New Year Sewing Everyone!

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