100 Dolls for Children in Honduras

Monday, November 28, 2011

Congratulations to Jane (USA) who went to town making 100 dolls for her friends Rotary Club to take to Honduras in January.  These little cuties will be traveling along with a team of doctors and dentists who go out there once a year to treat children and adults and will be handed out to less fortunate children.  How fantastic!

"Thank you for the wonderful pattern."  Jane

And thank you Jane for all your hard work making them and big heart!!  They are adorable and I am sure will be well loved!!

Have you helped change a child's life by sending them a dolly, do let me know!

Hugs and Happy Sewing!

Sarah x


28 Lovely Dollies sent in to Operation Christmas Child

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The wonderful woman of 'Dollies Making A Difference' (USA) sent in 13 lovely dress up dollies to the Operation Christmas Child in California. And when they found out that a neighboring church/school Calvary Christian School in Pacific Palisades had Operation CC as one of their
outreach programs for December, they got back to their sewing machines and made an additional 25 dollies to send in their boxes!

How fantastic!! A big Thank You to Cindy for sending me the photo!  I love them, their smiling faces are just too cute!


Pocket sized Rag Doll Sewing Pattern Finished in Time for Christmas!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Pocket Sized Small Doll is here!  She's a little cutie and loves to hop into a pocket or a Christmas stocking!

With her sewn on boots and skirt she’s safe for young children too. Plus her boots, skirt and hair bunches are all optional, and she looks just as darling with a bob haircut, and naked leggies!

Someone I know has already been getting lots of little sister kisses!

My Small Doll 'Little Sister' Sewing Pattern is now in my Etsy Shop ♥ 

 Happy Sewing from Sarah


Dolls for Haiti: Teaching Teens to Sew

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I received a wonderful e-mail from Dorothy (USA) who came up with a fabulous plan to teach teenagers how to sew for a good cause ….. a very good cause!

“A group of ladies got together today and we made dollies for the Haitian Orphanage our church supports AND taught 3 early teens how to sew! What a blessing your inspiration has been to so many!”

You can see from the photos how much fun everyone is having!

What a brilliant idea Dorothy and well done to everyone who took part!

I think this dolly might be saying "Hooray for Sewing!"

I am sure they will all be well loved with their new best friends in Haiti!

Thanks so much & Happy Sewing!


Dolls for Operations Christmas Child Doll Drive

Thank you to Debra (USA) for sending in her first basket of lovely Dolls!  She's still got a few finishing touches to make but couldn't wait to show me them!  I am so glad she did, it's made my week seeing their lovely smiling faces and fun fabric :)

If you have photos of your finished dollies don't forget to send them in!

Take care and Happy Sewing!

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