After much debate I have decided to take a break from setting up large doll drives and focus on being a mummy. This past year has been a fantastic journey. I have been overwhelmed by all of you, your kindness, dedication and drive, and feel honored to have met you all. I am also terribly honored to read your e-mails of how I have inspired you to set up your own doll drives using my
Free Dolly Donations Pattern.
I would like Dolly Donations to move in a new direction to help promote Your Dolly Donation Drives around the world.
So if you have set up a doll drive, be it big or small, for an orphanage, church group or organization supporting children in need, sent dolls to a homeless shelter, or battered women’s shelter, or perhaps given dolls to missionaries working overseas, please contact me.
I’d love to hear your stories, see photos of your finished dolls and whenever possible the happy children’s faces with their new dollies.
Dolly Donations would love to help spread the word for local sewing groups and drives around the world so that others in your area can join in the fun. And I would love to be able to share your stories with everyone in the Dolly Donations community!
Dolly Donations Active Doll Drives List :
How do I start my own Dolly Donations Drive?
- First off, talk to your friends. You never know what connections are out there until you ask.
- Contact your local church group or organization that might be supporting children in need abroad.
- Know of an orphanage, why not contact them?
- Are you or do you know somebody who is adopting a little one from overseas? Why not see if you can send some dollies along with them on their next trip?
- Why not drop some dolls off at a homeless, or battered women’s shelter?
- See if dolls would be a good gift to give to missionaries traveling overseas to distribute.
- Are your relatives in the armed forces? Some of the smaller patterns are ideal to give to them to hand out to local children to build trust and friendship in areas devastated by war and hardship.
GAP Year Students, Traveling Doctors, Aid Workers, Missionaries …. If you know someone traveling overseas with a big heart and a bit of spare room in their luggage for a vacuumed pack group of dollies (they spring back to life once released from their plastic confines!), why not ask for their help?
The sky’s the limit! Go on give it a shot, you’ll be amazed how easy it is, how many wonderful people you meet along the way and remember for every doll made you’ll be making one child very happy!
I'm no longer hosting Doll Drives
- but please feel free to start your own & Support the Active Doll Drives Listed.
Dolly Donations Active Doll Drives List :
Dolly Donations: Sending Love, 1 Dolly at a Time!