Monday, November 12, 2012

53 Dolls for an Orphanage in the Philippines

When Abby found out that her friend was visiting an orphanage in the Philippines later this year she new she wanted to do something special.

Following in her Mothers foot steps Abby wanted to offer some handmade help, you see her Mother collects handmade knitted jumpers by local ladies that she distributes to orphaned and needy families. But alas it's too hot in the Philippines for them so Abby decided to make dolls instead.

After finding my pattern she set her mum and sister to work and all three of them made 32 beautiful dollies with hand dyed fabric in 2 days!!! WOW!

But they didn't stop there ..... after seeing the lovely colorful dollies she was asked to make some for the boys ...... another 21 dolls!

What an amazing achievement and such a big heart you have Abby! I am sure each one will be well loved for years to come ♥

"We have been asked to make dolls for an orphanage in Ghana and I'm also looking into one in Banda Ache, Thailand. We have also spoken with Mission Flights Australia about their ability to distribute for us." Abby

Want to help?

So if you would like to help Abby and more children around the world please feel free to e-mail her:

Take care and happy sewing everyone! xxxx