Wednesday, March 14, 2012

250 Dolls Delivered to the Children of Brazil!

Brazil Doll Drive Donations 1

Andréa went to São José dos Campos and delivered 250 dolls each one lovingly handmade by the wonderful group of dedicated sewer in Brazil!

Brazil Doll Drive Donations 2

Congratulations to you all .. your dolls are adorable!

Brazil Doll Drive Donations 4

"They were a gift of love and comfort to that children in such a precarious and sad situation. The work continues for there are yet many children" Andréa

Brazil Doll Drive Donations 3

So much love and happiness!

Brazil Doll Drive Donations 5


Congratulations to all the wonderful Brazilian Ladies who took part in making these childrens faces light up with joy!

If you have a doll you are sending in for the drive do send me a photo and we can share them with everyone!

Take care and Happy Sewing Everyone!