Saturday, March 19, 2011

Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive – Completed

Queensland Flood Appeal Dolly Drive is Completed!!!  Over 40 beautiful dolls & soft toys are on their way to children who lost everything in The Queensland Flood, Australia.

“Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you.
To date, I have received 40 dolls/softies, with a few more on the way. WOW!
Thank-you to all of the beautiful woman who donated their amazing softies to this Dolly Drive.”
Jakie (AU)

Check out her blog post to find out exactly where they are going!

Here are just some of the wonderful dolls and softies on their way to new homes!

Val's (UK) cute owl family!

Treann (AU) sent in these 2 cuties.

Jen (USA) sent in this cute guinea pig.

Alison (AU) sent in these lovely little boys and the pretty little girls below.

And Heather from sent in these lovely ladies above, and Elisa sent in this sweetie pie below both are part of Grandma's Sewing Group.

Megan's (NZ) softie in a bag is just soooo adorable!

Cecilia's perfect pair with matching outfits are just lovely!

Karen's (AU) cuddly teddy and sausage dog softie are so cool!

and to finish off with one of Jakies own donation to her Doll Drive!

There are lots more photos to look through over on Jakie's blog so do check them out.

Congratulations Jakie
on hosting such a sucessful Doll Drive!!! 
We are all very proud of you :)
Your wonderful passion will make so many kiddie winks happy!!!

Thanks again from all of us at Dolly Donations ♥