Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your Doll Drives: Jenn's 250 dolls for Haiti and counting!

A soon to be adoptive mother to an orphaned Haitian boy, Jen has been hard at work over these past few months using the Free Dolly Donations Pattern to make dolls for her trip over to see her son. I was lucky enough to speak to her recently and her passion to help children in need was abundantly apparent.

To date she has donated 50 dolls to our Free The Kids doll drive and another 50 dolls to The Abundant Ground!

To keep herself busy whilst she waits for more news on her adoption from The House of God (creche au maison de deu) in Port Au Prince Jen spends her time raising her other children and you guessed it, making dolls.

“i am making dolls as steadily as i can. i found a group here that does mission trips all over the world. i have committed myself to providing dolls for anyone they are willing to take them to. they work with orphanages in Tibet, Cambodia, several areas in Africa, as well as Haiti.

They are planning a Haiti trip for feb. so i've earmarked around 150 dolls for that trip. i'm still working on getting more for them as well as starting some lighter skinned dolls for their current Tibet mission.”

Jenn has already made enough dolls for all 70 of the children in her son's orphanage, but if anyone would like to help her in her efforts and make some doll clothes, bags or shoes or anything else that can be used for the children to play dress up with them that would be fantastic!

If you would like to help make some doll accessories for Jenn please e-mail her directly at:

“i've sewn almost 250 with another 200 cut and in process! yay!!!”

Well done Jenn, we think you're a Dolly Donations Super Star!!!