Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Newsletter August: Building in Haiti

No news on the dolls arriving yet however, I wanted to share with you, all the amazing building going on by Free The Kids in Haiti. What a positive message it send, and how safe the children must feel.

First off they have been making walkways  in the children's village. “These walkways will allow the children to get into and out of their homes without getting their feet wet and without bringing in loads of mud into their homes during the rainy seasons.”

All the money for this project was raised by Dimitri (above left), a Scout and this is his Eagle Project. Here he was with his construction team!

Donald Stevens of REACH organized volunteers to get creative and paint the inside of the kindergarten school run by Free The Kids, doesn’t it look beautiful!

Masons are hard at work finishing the foundation for the new kitchen and dining room to house all the children.

"Because of all the re-construction going on these days, building materials are costly ... (costing almost) ...... twice what (they) did just two years ago."

And here’s the really exciting part ……

Construction of the new Girls House is underway!! REACH building teams made up of young men from the The Free The Kids Hope Village work hard hoping that their efforts will lead to permanent construction jobs.

“The challenge has always been: what happens to the children after they age out of our residential program? Unemployment is up to 80% in our area so, even if one has a skill (carpentry, plumbing, masonry...), jobs are extremely difficult to come by. This training is sponsored by Cross International.”
Almost done!  How exciting! 
I think it’s just amazing what they are doing for the children, and I am sure you do too!

Watch this space for a lovely big post of your latest dolly photos that you've been sending in!!

Take care and Happy Sewing!

Source: pwojeespwa