Do you remember the wonderful story I posted about an age ago …. Claire, the little girl that asked her Mommy if she could host a dolly Donations making party for her 7th birthday? Well she did! And just look at all the beautiful dolls her friends made too!
Her Mom, Patty, described her little girls big dolly donations Birthday day!
"My daughter, Claire Grace Diamond-Wheeler, (pictured at the far right in the photo), celebrated her 7th birthday by inviting her friends to make dolls for the orphans with her.
My friend, who is a great sewer, stitched up the dolls beforehand, and we all brought scraps of fabric, ribbons, buttons, and supplies. We encouraged the girls, (16 of them!) to try different things till they loved the results, and then we stitched, glued, or tied on the clothing & accessories.
We had three moms, 1 dad, and three big sisters helping out, and we did it at the neighborhood church so that we had a big workspace. There were no gifts and we didn't send home gift bags with the kids, so it was really all about the giving experience ---- AND THEY LOVED IT! only happy faces knowing that they were sending their special dolly off to a child who would not only really love it, but really needed it. The dolls did not exactly follow regulations, but they were certainly made with lots of love and we all hope they can cheer up the kids in Haiti.
Thank you so much for making this opportunity available to us. It was an excellent lesson for our children and we are so happy to have been involved”
Everyone is so proud of you Claire!
Well done from us all over at Dolly Donations!